journal articles
Ara S. Khachaturian, Brittany Cassin, Glen Finney, Ting Shih, Jodi Lyons, Eric Klein, Michael T. Brown, Steven L. Carroll, Drew Holazpfel, Sudhir Sivakumaran, Louis Tripoli, Daniel Elswick, Paulo Pinho, Jacobo E. Mintzer, Malaz A. Boustani, Zaven S. Khachaturian
VM&E 2024;7:1-7
Chronic brain disorders, prevalent in aging populations, disproportionately impact marginalized and underserved communities. Introducing artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML)-powered Clinical Decision Intelligence Applications (CDIAs) offers a promising solution to improve brain health and health equity. However, the sustained adoption of such technologies requires significant improvements in clinical workflows, personnel training, ethical considerations, financial models, regulatory compliance, and governance structures. To address these challenges, the Brain Watch Coalition advocates forming a public-private partnership to build trust and validate the effectiveness of AI/ML-powered CDIAs. This perspective outlines challenges and recommendations for establishing a purpose-driven public-private partnership: to demonstrate the long-term viability and ethical deployment of CDIAs within real-world healthcare settings and to establish a framework for ensuring equitable access to innovative brain health solutions. This initiative is a critical step towards enhancing patient outcomes, modernizing healthcare systems, and effectively managing the growing burden of chronic brain disorders across global populations.
Ara S. Khachaturian, Brittany Cassin, Glen Finney, Ting Shih, Jodi Lyons, Eric Klein, Michael T. Brown, Steven L. Carroll, Drew Holazpfel, Sudhir Sivakumaran, Louis Tripoli,
Daniel Elswick, Paulo Pinho, Jacobo E. Mintzer, Malaz A. Boustani, Zaven S. Khachaturian (2024): Accelerating Brain Health Technologies: A Public-Private Partnership Action Plan. Vitality, Medicine & Engineering.